TORONTO – A “key” trustee in the wokist movement to eliminate Catholic schools from within, or to supplant the Catholic ethic with one of their own, finally appeared before a judge this week. She now has a criminal record and the title of “thief” that comes with it.
TORONTO – Ieri sera, sono uscito dalla riunione del Toronto Catholic District School Board con diverse impressioni da condividere in particolare con i nostri 177.000 residenti di Toronto che si identificano etnicamente come italiani; più in generale con i circa 1.000.000 residenti di Toronto che sono teoricamente cattolici e, infine, con altri fiduciari dei consigli scolastici dei distretti cattolici dell’Ontario… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>>
TORONTO – I came away from last night’s Meeting of the Toronto Catholic District School Board with several impressions to share specifically with our 177,000 Toronto residents who self-identify ethnically as Italian; more generally with the roughly 1,000,000 Torontonians who are nominally Catholic, and finally with other Catholic District School Board Trustees in Ontario.
TORONTO – The school year is finally over. We have a brief reprieve from the deceit that has passed for learning these last two and a half years.