Tag: divide

Ottawa, il nodo-Sanità divide ancora i partiti. Singh: “La privatizzazione rappresenta un rischio”

TORONTO – Un dibattito d’emergenza per affrontare il nodo rappresentato dalla Sanità. È quanto ha chiesto Jagmeet Singh (nella foto sopra) in occasione del riavvio dei lavori parlamentari dopo la pausa invernale, con un focus su quanto sta avvenendo in Ontario con la riforma voluta dal premier conservatore Doug Ford che spalanca le porte del servizio sanitario pubblico alla privatizzazione… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Canadian Hub for Applied and Social Research Survey: Covid and politics divide Canadians

TORONTO –  Tensions, loss of contact between family members and many quarrels. A new survey conducted by the Canadian Hub for Applied and Social Research at the University of Saskatchewan shows that more and more Canadians are moving away due to differences of opinion on various issues, many have even gone so far as to reduce contact with friends or family. 


The tax for no vax continues to divide

TORONTO – The Quebec government’s decision to impose a tax on no vax continues to cause controversy. For now, no other province seems oriented to follow the same path as the executive led by Francois Legault. Too many problems of a legal nature – there are those who hypothesize the evident unconstitutionality of the measure – or of simple political gain: it is a highly divisive measure and no other prime minister has decided to risk. Yet, the debate over the appropriateness and feasibility of the measure goes on. 
