EDMONTON – Alberta and Saskatchewan are collapsing. On Tuesday, Alberta reported 1,246 new cases of Covid-19 and another 18 deaths, following the weekend’s thousands of new infections; Saskatchewan also recorded 446 new infections and 10 new deaths. Numbers too high, in relation to the population of the two provinces (4,371,000 the first, 1,174,000 the second). And, as we have already written several times in the last few days, the hospitals of both are at the limit. →
EDMONTON – Scary numbers. Alberta, which until a few days ago was “stay open for good”, registered 2,020 new cases of Covid-19 on Friday (out of a total of 17,000 tests carried out). A huge amount, considering that Alberta has just over 4.3 million inhabitants. To make a comparison: today Italy, which has over 60 million inhabitants, recorded 3,838 new cases (out of a total of 263,571 swabs analyzed). →
Schools can reopen safely on a regional basis, there is no risk of nullifying the progress made by the province in reducing the spread of the virus during the third wave. This is what the COVID-19 Science Advisory Table of Ontario says. →
Struggling with the staff shortages in the health care system, responsible people wonder where to get medical personnel to cope with the needs related not only to the pandemic, but also to regular disease situations.

Good news. From today, May 16, incl. doctors and medical staff got additional motivation to →
Yesterday I had a long conversation with my dear friend Tom.

Tom is one of the most distinguished Polish community activists in Canada, →