TORONTO – There is no more vile, venal, despicable individual than one who will use children for their advantage. Some individuals at the Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB) are trying desperately hard to prove they can descend to those depths.
MONTREAL – The sos launched in Montreal during the 24th International AIDS Summit 2022 did not fall on deaf ears: Federal Minister of Health, Jean-Yves Duclos, said the government will invest $ 17.9 million to increase the access to HIV testing in remote communities and among hard-to-reach populations. But activists involved in the fight against AIDS say the announcement “must be followed by more actions”. →
ROME – Pope Francis has undergone surgery and is in good condition: this was confirmed by the Press Office of the Holy See, in two medical bulletins issued last night and this morning. →
Corriere Canadese is doing the work of Cardinal Collins: comments and reactions in support of the Hon. Joseph Volpe’s article are flooding our editorial desk.

In a regular weekly meeting held yesterday, the 11 largest municipal governments across the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area discussed the ongoing response to COVID-19 across the region as they acknowledge the week as the National Nursing Week, for which they expressed gratitude to nurses as they continue to demonstrate courage and professionalism alongside all healthcare workers. →