Tag: draghi

Draghi gran cerimoniere rilancia il ruolo dell’Italia sul palcoscenico globale

TORONTO – Mario Draghi rilancia il ruolo dell’Italia nel palcoscenico mondiale. Il Vertice G20, svoltosi a Roma nel fine settimana, è stato il primo meeting globale dall’inizio della pandemia che ha visto la presenza dei Grandi della Terra. E il summit, nonostante qualche contrattempo, si è concluso con un sostanziale successo, con l’accordo sul clima che ha messo d’accordo tutti i principali attori internazionali e, a latere, con l’accordo tra Unione europea e Stati uniti sull’alluminio e l’acciaio che mette fine alle reciproche tariffe doganali e alla guerra commerciale scoppiata durante l’amministrazione Trump… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Draghi relaunches the Italian role on the global stage

TORONTO – Mario Draghi relaunches Italy’s role on the world stage. The G20 Summit, held in Rome over the weekend, was the first global meeting that saw the presence of the Greats of the Earth since the beginning of the pandemic. And the summit, despite some setbacks, ended with substantial success, with the climate agreement that brought together all the main international players and, on the sidelines, with the agreement between the European Union and the United States on aluminum and steel that puts an end to mutual tariffs and the trade war that broke out during the Trump administration. 

Ready to apply in Ottawa Mark Carney, the Canadian “Mario Draghi

Article by Francesco Veronesi – Translation and Video: CNMNG Staff

What if Canada also had its Mario Draghi? A prestigious and authoritative banker, who for years has worked at major international financial institutions, ready to take the big leap in politics?

Mark Carney, Canada’s “Mario Draghi” is ready to run

TORONTO – What if Canada also has its Mario Draghi? A prestigious and authoritative banker, who worked for years at important international financial institutions, ready to make the big leap into politics? This hypothesis could materialize as early as the next federal election: Mark Carney is considering running for the Liberal Party, a hypothesis that has been circulating in the chambers of power for many months but which now buys more credit for contingent news of political news.

Ferri: “Vaticano, escolha construtiva” La Marca: “Não, é uma ingerência” Nissoli: “Eu confio no Draghi”

Article by  Marzio Pelù — Translation and Video: Luis Aparicio

O debate sobre o “choque” entre o Vaticano e o governo italiano sobre o projeto de lei Zan contra a homofobia está aceso também ao nível internacional, o que, segundo alguns partidos políticos, colocaria em risco a liberdade de expressão ao prever penas severas para opiniões que podem ser enquadradas como ofensas baseadas “no sexo, género, orientação sexual ou identidade de género”.