TORONTO – Many teachers are paragons of virtue, examples and role models for the children under their care. They “serve” in loco parentis – our surrogates once we drop them off onto the school property. At a bare minimum, from them, we expect that they will impart values reflecting love of “learning” (critical analysis), a sense of responsibility, respect for the Law (and all that it entails) and commitment to the institutional vision of their employer… us, the parents of their students.
TORONTO – No, non sto pensando di presentarmi per la poltrona di sindaco al municipio di Toronto. Ahimé, ho dovuto respingere lo tsunami di persone ansiose di vantare le mie incredibili doti di competenza amministrativa (fortunatamente ancora incontrastata), l’inattaccabile acume filosofico e ideologico (prendo una pagina dalla “Guida adatta all’auto adulazione per i narcisisti”) e credenziali etiche impeccabili (anche se il primo ministro Trudeau afferma che solo l’ex governatore generale corrisponde a questa descrizione)…
TORONTO – No, I am not contemplating seeking the Mayor’s chair at Toronto City Hall. I had to beat back the tsunami of people anxious to vaunt my incredible gifts of administrative competence (happily as yet uncontested), unassailable philosophical and ideological acumen (I am taking a page from “The Narcissist’s Guide to Self-Adulation”) and impeccable ethical credentials (even though Prime Minister Trudeau says only the former Governor General fits that description).
TORONTO – Le scuole dovrebbero essere spazi sicuri per tutti i bambini mentre crescono e mentre apprendono abilità sociali e accademiche. Sempre più spesso manifestano disfunzionalità che troppo frequentamente sfociano in violenza. Questo non è stato un buon anno per le scuole di Toronto e dintorni…
TORONTO – Schools are supposed to be safe spaces for all children as they grow while learning social and academic skills. Increasingly, they manifest dysfunctionalities all too often resulting in violence. This has not been a good year for schools in Toronto and elsewhere.