TORONTO – Cynics may say there is no peace or goodness, just eternal vigilance so that the dissemblers do not steal what is rightfully ours through dishonest means.
TORONTO – Someone is, as they say, “on a mission”. It remains unclear what the end goal is. If you have children or grand children in a school system in Ontario these last three years have not been very rewarding from an academic and cultural perspective.
TORONTO – Congratulazioni e auguri vanno al neo arcivescovo della diocesi di Toronto, Sua Eminenza Frank Leo. Il prelato nato a Montreal è in possesso di meritate credenziali sul fronte accademico, teologico, canonico e diplomatico, avendo servito negli ultimi dieci anni il “corpo diplomatico” del Vaticano…
TORONTO – Congratulations and best wishes go out to newly-appointed Archbishop for the diocese of Toronto, his eminence Frank Leo. The Montreal-born prelate is possessed of well earned credential on the academic, theological, canonic and diplomatic front, having served the “diplomatic corps” of the Vatican for the last ten years.