TORONTO – Schools Governments sometimes do things that, unwittingly, “blow up” in their faces. Our Canadian governments are no different. One might in a moment of wry pique even suggest they may have become world leaders in that art.
TORONTO – La lingua è tutto, o almeno così sembra. Non lo so per certo. La mia istruzione in italiano fu interrotta quando i miei genitori presero la decisione di ricominciare la loro vita (compresa la mia) nella terra che il mio nonno materno chiamava casa dalla fine del 1800, e nella quale divenne “cittadino” prima che Wilfrid Laurier portò il paese alle elezioni del 1911…
TORONTO – Language is everything, or so it seems. I do not know for sure. My instruction in Italian was interrupted when my parents made the decision to resume their (mine included) lives in the land my maternal grandfather called home since the late 1800s, and in which he became “citizen” before Wilfrid Laurier took the country into the 1911 election.