Travelling out of Northern Ontario, we head into the area of South-Central Ontario to focus on the electoral district of Simcoe-Grey. Situated along the southern tip of Georgian Bay, the district encompasses one of the region’s most popular destinations, Wasaga Beach, a two-hour drive 145 km north of Toronto.
TORONTO – Il distretto elettorale provinciale di Sault Ste. Marie (Sault), situato nell’Ontario settentrionale, si trova a circa 700 km a nord-ovest di Toronto. Il collegio si trova sulla punta meridionale del Lake Superior lungo il St. Mary’s River, appena a nord del confine internazionale tra Canada e Stati Uniti. È qui che il più grande dei Great Lakes sfocia nel Lago Huron. Il St. Marie’s International Bridge è l’unico collegamento fisso che attraversa entrambi i paesi e una rotta commerciale chiave per i mercati canadese e americano…
The provincial electoral district of Sault Ste. Marie (the Sault), situated in Northern Ontario, is about a 700 km drive northwest from Toronto. The constituency is located at the southern tip of Lake Superior along St. Mary’s River, just north of the international boundary between Canada and the US. It is where the largest of the Great Lakes flows into Lake Huron. The St. Marie’s International Bridge is the only fixed link crossing between both countries and a key trade route for Canadian and American markets.
TORONTO – Il distretto elettorale provinciale di Thunder Bay – Atikokan (TBA) si trova appena ad ovest di Thunder Bay – Superior North lungo la sponda settentrionale del Lake Superior. Situato a circa 1.600 km a nord-ovest della capitale, in auto ci vorrebbero circa 17,5 ore (senza soste) per raggiungere Ottawa…
The provincial electoral district of Thunder Bay – Atikokan (TBA) is situated just west of Thunder Bay – Superior North along the north shore of Lake Superior. Located about 1,600km northwest of the capital, by car it would take about 18 hours (nonstop) to reach Ottawa.
The district covers an area of 25,600 square km (about the same size as Sicily). It encompasses the town of Atikokan and the south side of the City of Thunder Bay. The oddly shaped riding dips south to the Canada/US boundary. →