Tag: election

Election campaign with the Omicron risk and future uncertainty

TORONTO – There are five months to the provincial vote, but in Ontario the election campaign has already begun and continues unabated. The government led by Prime Minister Doug Ford in recent days has given way to the Scientific Technical Committee and Chief Medical Officer Kieran Moore and has started a chain ad campaign that have so much the flavor of electoral promises. 

Elections in Ontario, we will have a long election campaign

TORONTO – Let’s fasten our seat belts and get ready: in Ontario we will have to see a very long election campaign. Which, incidentally, has already begun a few weeks ago, from September 21 to be precise, the day after the federal elections. Pounding commercials on TV, radio, on the Internet and on social media, announcements on unlikely investments, promises, pacts with voters, plans for the future, slogans, all seasoned with accusations, controversies and poisons: June 2, 2022 is a date still far away, but already in recent weeks we have had a taste of what, willy-nilly, is waiting for us. 

Governo federale: giuramento il 26 ottobre, scontro e polemica sui ritardi

TORONTO – Non si spegne la polemica sul lungo e travagliato processo di formazione del nuovo governo. Il primo ministro Justin Trudeau ha annunciato che il giuramento dei nuovi componenti dell’esecutivo avrà luogo il 26 ottobre, mentre la prima seduta della House of Commons con i deputati eletti nelle elezioni del 20 settembre è stata programmata per il 22 novembre… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Trudeau to unveil new cabinet October 26, clash and controversy over delays

TORONTO – The controversy over the long and troubled process of forming the new government is not over. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has announced that the swearing-in of the new members of the executive will take place on October 26, while the first session of the House of Commons with the deputies elected in the September 20 elections has been scheduled for November 22. The roadmap set by the Liberal leader did not please the opposition, who denounced the delays and stigmatized the timing desired by Trudeau.