Tag: emergencies

David Lametti: già da fine gennaio valutai l’ipotesi Emergencies Act

TORONTO – La decisione di fare ricorso alla legislazione d’emergenza per porre fine alla protesta non fu un’idea improvvisa dell’ultimo minuto. Al contrario, il governo federale nella persona dell’Attorney General David Lametti (nella foto) iniziò a soppesare questa delicata opzione già a fine gennaio, pochi giorni dopo l’inizio dell’occupazione del centro storico di Ottawa e dei blocchi ai valichi di frontiera con gli Stati Uniti… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Sudden revocation of Emergencies Act, Trudeau under fire


OTTAWA – Touch and run. Less than 24 hours after defending the need to maintain the state of emergency that gives the government ‘extraordinary’ or ‘special’ powers, Trudeau revoked the measure leaving everyone speechless. A reversal, his, unexpected and stunning. Only two days earlier the prime minister had justified the need to maintain the measures in force even after the eviction of Ottawa and the border crossings, because he had said, there is a possibility that the protesters will return. It goes without saying that after the first moment of amazement the controversy broke out. With this about-face, in essence, Trudeau, became an easy target, lent his side to his political opponents.