PRISCILLA PAJDO – TORONTO – Canada adoptă o poziție mai îndrăzneață pentru a pune capăt schimbărilor climatice. La summitul internațional privind clima, primul-ministru Justin Trudeau s-a angajat să reducă emisiile de gaze cu efect de seră (GES) cu 40-45% in următorul deceniu față de nivelurile din 2005. →
Canada takes a bolder stance to end climate change. At the International Summit on Climate, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau committed to cut greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 40-45% below 2005 levels, over the next decade. →
The US returns to the front lines in the fight against climate change
۲۲ اپریل روز زمین، یک رویداد سالانه است که به حفظ طبیعت اختصاص دارد. روزی بینالمللی برای نشان دادن حمایت و حفاظت از محیط زیست میباشد . امسال بازگشت →
Toronto, April 22: In observance of Earth Day, the City of Markham’s award-winning textile recycling program has reached to more than 20 million pounds (907,000 kilograms) of unwanted textiles out of the landfill. →