TORONTO – Il servizio di spionaggio canadese avverte che il cambiamento climatico rappresenta una minaccia profonda e continua per la sicurezza e la prosperità nazionale, compresa la possibile perdita di parti della British Columbia e delle province atlantiche a causa dell’innalzamento del livello del mare…
TORONTO – Canada’s Intelligence Service warns that climate change poses a profound and continuing threat to national security and prosperity, including the possible loss of parts of British Columbia and the Atlantic provinces to rising sea levels. →
TORONTO – One listens to radio, I imagine, for background [sometimes relaxing] noise. Occasionally, the radio personality and the production team behind the program on air strike a chord. Recently, on my drive in to work, the host of Radio 1010 expressed incredulity at the system’s response to the Oakville teacher who made gigantic prosthetic mammary glands famous by wearing them to a shop class.
OTTAWA – Non solo l’Europa: anche il Canada è nella morsa del caldo e degli incendi…
OTTAWA – Not only Europe: Canada is also in the grip of heat and fires. Environment Canada today issued hot warnings in four provinces: Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Quebec. Temperatures could reach 30 ° C in parts of northwestern and northeastern Ontario, and similar conditions are also expected in southwestern and southeastern areas. “Heat warnings” remain in place in parts of northern Manitoba, where the fires have required additional air quality “sos” due to smoke (as well as in British Columbia). →