Gli Stati Uniti si stanno “scristianizzando” a un tasso di circa l’1% all’anno — ogni anno, da qualche decennio. Non è che chi lascia la fede si “iscriva” altrove. Più spesso passa nella categoria statistica declinata dagli americani “ateo, agnostico, ‘niente in particolare’”…
Christmas, the most wonderful time of year! Whether you observe Christmas or any other holiday for that matter, it is hard not to be impressed by the festive displays and celebrations this time of year.
If the cold weather and gloomy skies dampen your mood this season, just pass through any neighbourhood, your feelings may brighten with the dazzling display of lights. →
TORONTO – The Pope arrives. When, we still do not know but the news is certain because today the Vatican itself published it through an article on the Vatican News website: “The Pope wants to go to Canada in the context of the indigenous question” . In a nutshell, Francis said he was willing to accept the invitation of the Canadian episcopate, engaged in the process of reconciliation with the natives. “The dates of the visit will be made official soon”, reads the article. →
Radio Maria Canada (RMC) will host their inaugural open house on Wednesday October 13 between 10:00 am-5:00 pm and invites the community to come and visit. RMC’s new home is located at 4 Director Court (#105) in Woodbridge, after 25 years of broadcasting from their Toronto office at 1247 Lawrence Ave. West.
TORONTO – Alcuni miei amici sono spirituali. Credono in un ultraterreno che riconosce un’entità superiore dalla quale scaturisce tutta la moralità e alla quale, in definitiva, dobbiamo tutti rendere conto. Altri si concentrano maggiormente sull’espressione manifesta di quella moralità vista attraverso le azioni (opere buone): la regola d’oro innata “fai agli altri ciò che vorresti fosse fatto a te”…