Tag: fatal

Fatal gun crime on the rise in Toronto

With just days left until the end of 2021, fatal shootings in Toronto have surpassed last year’s gun related fatalities. The latest data from Toronto Police Services (TPS) show 43 people were killed from gun violence compared to 39 the previous year. At a 10.3% increase in fatalities in just one year, Torontonians are concerned about the rising gun crime in the city.

“Living to work” can have fatal risks

TORONTO – A growing body of data suggests that overtime and long working hours adversely affect the health and well-being of workers.  A new global study finds working more than 55 hours per week increases a person’s risk of stroke and heart disease.

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“Living to work” can have fatal risks

A growing body of data suggests that overtime and long working hours adversely affect the health and well-being of workers. A new global study finds working more than 55 hours per week increases a persons risk of stroke and heart disease.

According to a systematic analysis from the World Health Organization and International Labour Organization (WHO/ILO), latest estimates suggest long working hours killed three quarters of a million people in 2016, up 29% from 2000.