Tag: federal

TCDSB, salute dei bambini a rischio “grazie” alle elezioni

TORONTO – In mezzo a mille incognite tra una settimana in Ontario riaprono le scuole. L’incertezza su come sarà quest’anno scolastico è simile a una cappa di piombo e grava su genitori, ragazzi, insegnanti, personale scolastico. Lezioni online o in presenza, protocolli – ancora poco chiari – da seguire, vaccinazioni, un’ondata di Covid, la quarta, che genera ansia ed ora anche il problema elezioni federali… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Conservatives ahead also in projections of seats in the Chamber

TORONTO – The third week of the election campaign continues along the lines of the second one. The Conservative Party, having leapfrogged the Liberals in their nationwide voting intentions and consolidated the lead, now also overtakes the distribution of seats in the House of Commons based on the latest projections. To certify the reversal of the balance of power also in the individual districts is the new elaboration presented by 338canada.com, the specialized portal that aggregates and analyzes the latest demoscopic surveys carried out on a national scale. Right now the party led by Erin O’Toole, strong of 33.5 percent of voting intentions, should win at least 142 electoral districts, with a prospect of growth of another 37 constituencies.