TORONTO – John Tory has been re-elected mayor of Toronto: with this third term, if he remains in office for all four years, he will become the longest-serving mayor of Toronto, beating Art Eggleton who spent as mayor of Toronto a total of 11 years, in office since 1980 until his retirement from municipal politics in 1991. (more…)
TORONTO – The school is not a place of greasers. This is in summary the result of a study conducted by the Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences during the provincial closure that began in December 2020. This closure was followed by a regionalized approach to the reopening of schools by the Ford government that lasted until January and February 2021.
TORONTO – Ontario Premier Ford promised it: the plan for the return to school will be presented at the beginning of next week. After all, the days pass faster and faster, the reopening of the new school year is now five weeks away but there is still not even a shadow of a return plan. (more…)