TORONTO – In Business, there self interest is the order of the day. It may be an arcane adage in the field of accounting, but it still captures a fundamental reality that “love makes the world go ‘round, but money sends it spinning”. Greed invariably trumps religion and “kindness”.
TORONTO – C’è voluto più di un decennio di contenzioso ma 21 comunità Anishinaabe avranno accesso a una quota della ricchezza generata sulle loro terre negli ultimi 173 anni. Ad affermare di aver raggiunto una proposta di accordo da 10 miliardi di dollari con i governi dell’Ontario e del Canada per le rendite non pagate per l’utilizzo delle loro terre, sono proprio i leader del Robinson Huron Treaty Litigation Fund… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>>
MASSA CARRARA (Italy) – It’s called “Playboy” and it’s the first single by a young emerging Italian talent, America X (in the pic above), a talented singer born in the province of Massa Carrara, in Tuscany (Italy). The song is a contemporary piece with an international sound and a female text “that breaks away from the individualistic stereotypes that want women to always be submissive: an all-female revenge”, explains the artist. →
TORONTO – The new ranking of the “best” universities in the world (we’ll explain the quotation marks later) has been released and McGill University’s primacy in Canada stands out over the University of Toronto: in fact, the Montreal-based university is in 31st place in the ranking world, Toronto at 34th.
TORONTO – The first real “face to face” between Prime Minister Doug Ford and Ontario’s municipal leaders will begin tomorrow with his speech at the general assembly of ROMA, the Rural Ontario Municipal Association: with him, Sylvia Jones (Deputy Premier and Minister for Health), Lisa Thompson (Minister for Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs) and Steve Clark (Minister for Municipal Affairs and Housing). →