MEXICO CITY – More weapons to Ukraine and the visit of the US president to Canada: these are the main news that emerged from today’s meeting between Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Joe Biden, as part of the summit of US leaders in Mexico City. →
ROME – Everything as expected, or almost: even if as we write only exit polls are available, the crushing victory of Fratelli d’Italia, the first party, is already evident – according to the data of La7 – with a percentage included between 23 and 27%. →
Blood and death in two Indian reservations in Saskatchewan. After the massacre that took place in the James Smith Cree Nation and Weldon where 10 people died and 18 were injured in a series of stabbings, a shooting took place in the Witchekan Lake First Nation. So far there are few details made known but the RCMP does not believe that this last fact of blood is connected to the carnage of the previous day.
ROME – “The polls say that Fratelli d’Italia is the first party in Italy, and the first party of the coalition will indicate the name of the premier. Let’s see what will happen in the elections, if so… I could be the first woman to lead the Italian government in history and it would be for me a great honor”. →
TORONTO – Sono contrastanti le reazioni dei leader indigeni riguardo la visita di Papa Francesco in Canada in programma dal 24 al 30 luglio. Mentre alcuni di loro giudicano favorevolmente il viaggio di cinque giorni del Pontefice, altri sono delusi del fatto che alcune parti del Paese non rientrano nell’itinerario stabilito. Il Vaticano ha annunciato venerdì che il Papa si recherà in Alberta, Quebec e Nunavut… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>>