Tag: ford

Doug Ford won the Ontario Election, majority government for Conservatives

TORONTO –  Second majority government for Doug Ford and the Conservative Party in the Ontario provincial elections: the outgoing premier and his party won the majority with 83 seats, followed by Andrew Horwath’s NDP (31) who was however re-elected and by the Liberals of Steven Del Duca (8) who, instead, was defeated in his seat. The leader of the Greens, Mike Schreiner, was elected in the Guelph riding. The premier’s nephew, Michael Ford, managed to get himself elected by storming the Liberal-Ndp stronghold of York South – Weston.


Dieci giorni al voto, Doug Ford mantiene un netto vantaggio

TORONTO – A dieci giorni dall’appuntamento alle urne, i conservatori mantengono un netto vantaggio sugli altri partiti. La conferma arriva da quattro differenti sondaggi effettuati negli ultimi giorni che mettono in luce come, dal dibattito televisivo tra i leader dei quattro principali partiti, i rapporti di forza in Ontario non siano mutati in maniera significativa… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>>