TORONTO – Tutti contro Ford. Ontario Science Advisory Table, Canadian Medical Association, Registered Nurses Association of Ontario, Ontario Hospital Association, medici e scienziati di tutta la provincia, contattati dal premier Ford, si erano detti favorevoli all’obbligo vaccinale per gli operatori sanitari. Ed ora non nascondono la propria delusione ed amarezza per la decisione opposta presa da Ford. “Non è supportata dalla scienza”, hanno detto all’unisono…
TORONTO – All against Ford. Ontario Science Advisory Table, Canadian Medical Association, Registered Nurses Association of Ontario, Ontario Hospital Association, doctors and scientists from all over the province, contacted by Premier Ford, had said they were in favor of the vaccination obligation for health workers. And now they do not hide their disappointment and bitterness for the opposite decision taken by Ford. “It’s not supported by science,” they said in unison. →
TORONTO – The long wait is over. The Ontario government has decided that due to concerns about staff shortages in hospitals, it will not make vaccination mandatory for health-care workers. This was announced today by Prime Minister Ford himself, sparking endless controversy: both the Ontario Science Table and doctors and experts in the field had asked to make the vaccine mandatory for health workers. “The issue is complex. After reviewing the situation our government decided to maintain its flexible approach by leaving the decision to individual hospitals,” he said. →
TORONTO – Meglio tardi che mai. Il governo provinciale ha deciso di alzare il salario minimo a 15 dollari l’ora, a partire dal prossimo gennaio. Con un annuncio in pompa magna, accompagnato dal ministro delle Finanze Peter Bethlenfalvy e del ministro del Lavoro Monte McNaughton, Doug Ford ha rispolverato un provvedimento che era già stato approvato dal precedente governo guidato da Kathleen Wynne, una misura che era stata poi bloccata e accantonata dallo stesso premier conservatore dopo aver vinto le elezioni del 2018. Secondo i calcoli del governo, l’aumento in busta paga dovrebbe riguardare 760mila lavoratori in Ontario…
TORONTO – Better late than never. The provincial government has decided to raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour, starting next January. In an announcement with great pomp, accompanied by Finance Minister Peter Bethlenfalvy and Labour Minister Mount McNaughton, Doug Ford dusted off a measure that had already been approved by the previous government led by Kathleen Wynne, a measure that had been blocked and shelved by the Conservative prime minister himself after winning the 2018 election. According to government calculations, the provision should affect 760,000 workers. →