TORONTO – The vaccination passport, in the end, could be downgraded to a voluntary choice. There is great anticipation for Prime Minister Ford’s announcement tomorrow about the reopening plan that should further ease restrictions by taking Ontario out of phase 3. →
TORONTO – Education in Ontario is not a priority. To reiterate this paradoxical assumption was monday’s Speech from the Throne, a seven-page document in which the executive listed the new government agenda for the last months of this legislature before the provincial vote in June 2022. →
TORONTO – Pandemia, sanità, ripresa economica, rientro dal deficit, con il pensiero rivolto al voto provinciale del prossimo giugno. C’è grande attesa a Queen’s Park dove questa mattina alle 9 la Lieutenant Governor dell’Ontario Elizabeth Dowdeswell illustrerà la nuova agenda del governo Ford (nella foto) con il Discorso dal Trono…
TORONTO – The Ontario government is rethinking it. After repeated no to the vaccination obligation for employees of Long-Term Care homes in the province, over the weekend he announced that all LTC operators will have to be immunized against Covid-19 by November 15. Rapid tests, which until now allowed unvaccinated staff to work in these facilities, are being shelved to make way for immunization against Covid-19. →
TORONTO – Sono necessari ma saranno temporanei. Al momento, in sostanza, secondo il premier dell’Ontario, di fronte all’entrata in vigore dei pass vaccinali non rimane che fare buon viso a cattivo gioco. “È una misura importantissima per combattere la malattia – ha ribadito ieri durante una conferenza poche ore dopo l’implementazione del provvedimento Ford – il Green Pass è essenziale per evitare un altro lockdown nella provincia ma è una misura provvisoria”…