TORONTO – New, slight increase in infected patients in Ontario hospitals: 1,734 people today, compared to 1,730 in the previous 24 hours. 211 are in intensive care, eight fewer than on Wednesday but eight more than a week ago: 92 are breathing with the help of a ventilator. →
TORONTO – The number of patients with Covid-19 in intensive care in Ontario drops below four hundred for the first time in 2022: today, in fact, the number of people in ICU was 394. And the total number of people in the hospital still falls: 1,369 today, compared to 1,540 on Sunday. →
TORONTO – The number of people in Ontario hospitals with COVID-19 continues to rise, with 438 patients now in intensive care. According to the Ministry of Health, another 26 people have entered intensive care due to the new coronavirus in the past 24 hours. Of these patients, 234 breathe with the assistance of a ventilator. There are now 2,467 Covid-19 patients in hospital, a slight increase from Sunday. →
TORONTO – For the fourth consecutive day, Ontario has surpassed 700 new cases of Covid-19 per day. In fact, the provincial health officials today registered 741 new infections; Saturday 728, Friday 793, Thursday 711. The seven-day moving average of new infections is now 645: last Sunday it was 563. →
TORONTO – Covid-19 has started to run again. The number of active cases of Covid-19 associated with Ontario’s public schools has reached 1,006 for the first time since October 29. Since the beginning of the school year, the infections are a total of 5,626. By this time, during the 2020-2021 school year, there had been only 3,387 confirmed cases among students and school staff. →