TORONTO – How angry are you? For what? To ask the two “fatal” questions to Canadians was the research institute “Pollara Strategic Insights”, with an original survey entitled “Rage Index” and aimed at “measuring” the anger of the population in these difficult times. (more…)
TORONTO – Il Canada sta vagliando la fattibilità dell’esportazione di gas naturale liquefatto direttamente in Europa dalla sua costa orientale. A confermarlo è stato ieri il primo ministro Justin Trudeau (nella foto) nella prima conferenza stampa insieme al cancelliere tedesco Olaf Scholz a Montreal…
TORONTO – L’Europa non può fare a meno dei prodotti energetici russi, il gas prima di tutto. Se non si parte da questo assunto, allora non si può comprendere appieno lo sviluppo del conflitto in Ucraina e l’atteggiamento a volte ambivalente di alcuni Stati europei nei confronti dell’invasione russa…
TORONTO – Europe cannot do without Russian energy products, gas first and foremost. If we do not start from this assumption, then we cannot fully understand the development of the conflict in Ukraine and the sometimes ambivalent attitude of some European states towards the Russian invasion. Just go through the official data provided by the Agency for the Cooperation of National Energy Regulators (ACER) to realize how Moscow in all these years has in fact put a noose around the neck of the EU, ready for convenience to tighten it, as is happening in the last 24 hours with the stop to gas supplies to Poland and Bulgaria.
TORONTO – Canada’s pressing for a breakthrough in the global fight against climate change. This is at least in words, since in the plan of the liberal government there remain fundamental contradictions that have yet to be resolved. Today Justin Trudeau, after attending the G20 summit in Rome, reached Glasgow for the official start of the 26th UN climate summit. (more…)