Tag: grand

A grand send-off for a final goodbye to Fr Vito Marziliano

TORONTO – There was a relatively large crowd of friends, parishioners past and present, and family to bid Fr. Vito an ADDIO on Saturday. Covid-19 protocols being what they are, restrictions still applied. Nonetheless, people flocked to St Clare, Woodbridge for the funeral. Fr Vito had never been assigned there, but a smaller church would have been insufficient and inadequate for the numbers present. 

Il Grand Prize del “Rocky Mountain” al pianista italiano Andrea Simone De Nicolò

TORONTO – L’ennesimo premio, che si aggiunge agli oltre cinquanta già vinti in mezzo mondo. A soli 15 anni, Andrea Simone De Nicolò, eccellente pianista pugliese, vanta un curriculum impressionante al quale adesso può aggiungere anche il “Grand Prize” conseguito al concorso internazionale di musica “Rocky Mountain Musica Competition”, organizzato da Pulsar Music, con sede a Toronto, sotto la direzione artistica del Maestro Ekaterina Paniukova. 

The Grand Prize of “Rocky Mountain” to the Italian pianist Andrea Simone De Nicolò

TORONTO – Yet another prize, which is added to the over fifty already won all around the world. At just 15 years old, Andrea Simone De Nicolò, an excellent pianist from Puglia, Italy, boasts an impressive curriculum to which he can now also add the “Grand Prize” obtained at the international music competition “Rocky Mountain Music Competition”, organized by Pulsar Music, based in Toronto, under the artistic direction of Master Ekaterina Paniukova. 

Djokovic cucerește Parisul și al 19-lea Grand Slam in cariera sa

Article by Giorgio Mitolo — Translation an Video: Cristiana Petrescu

PARIS – Deasupra lui, doar Roger Federer și Rafael Nadal, dar de ieri ei au avantajul doar unui singur turneu pe circuitul Slam. 20 câștigate de elvețian și spaniol, 19  câștigate de sârbul Novak Djokovic (în fotografie).

Formula 1 Grand Prix du Canada extended to 2031

The 2021 race will be replaced by the Turkish Grand Prix, F1 confirmed

Photo taken from the official F1 website (https://www.formula1.com)

The governments of Canada and Quebec have finalized an agreement with Formula One World Championship (FOWC) to ensure the return of the Formula 1 Grand Prix du Canada and its extension into 2031, two years beyond the current agreement.