TORONTO – From tomorrow all Ontario residents vaccinated against Covid-19 will be able to download the new QR code online. Already on Friday the province made it possible to download according to the month of birth: on October 15th it was the turn of those born from January to April, on the 16th of those born from May to August and today, finally of those who celebrate their birthday from September to December. From 6 this morning, finally, everyone – regardless of the month of birth – can download their vaccination certificate with the official QR code. “This is for businesses and organizations to scan the QR code made available to people,” said Ford Premier spokeswoman Ivana Yelich. →
TORONTO – Sono necessari ma saranno temporanei. Al momento, in sostanza, secondo il premier dell’Ontario, di fronte all’entrata in vigore dei pass vaccinali non rimane che fare buon viso a cattivo gioco. “È una misura importantissima per combattere la malattia – ha ribadito ieri durante una conferenza poche ore dopo l’implementazione del provvedimento Ford – il Green Pass è essenziale per evitare un altro lockdown nella provincia ma è una misura provvisoria”…
TORONTO – They are necessary but will be temporary. At the moment, in essence, according to the premier of Ontario, in the face of the entry into force of vaccination passes, all that remains is to make a good face to bad game. “It is a very important measure to combat the disease – Ford reiterated today during a conference a few hours after the implementation of the measure – the Green Pass is essential to avoid another lockdown in the province but it is an interim measure”. →
TORONTO – Tra chi non aspettava altro e chi arriccia il naso il D-day è arrivato. Da oggi, infatti, entra in vigore in Ontario il Green Pass che rende obbligatoria la vaccinazione completa per gli abitanti della provincia per poter accedere a molte attività non essenziali…
TORONTO – Between those who were waiting for nothing else and those who curl their noses, D-day has arrived. From tomorrow, in fact, the Green Pass comes into force in Ontario that makes complete vaccination mandatory for the inhabitants of the province in order to access many non-essential activities. →