With pop-up vaccination clinics mostly open to adults in hotspot areas, Canada Post (CP) is taking it one step further. Together with Public health partners, CP is making vaccines more accessible to its employees. →
Toronto will receive $360 million in funding from the federal and provincial governments to move forward with the purchase of dozens of new streetcars. The city had already approved the purchase of 13 new streetcars from the Alstom plant in Thunder Bay in October, but now it will be able to move ahead with the option to purchase another 47, with delivery of the vehicles starting in 2023. →
Toronto vai receber um financiamento de 360 milhões de dólares da parte dos governos federal e provincial para avançar com a compra de dezenas de novos elétricos. A cidade já havia aprovado a compra de 13 novos elétricos da fábrica da Alstom em Thunder Bay, em outubro, mas agora poderá avançar com a opção de compra de mais 47, com entrega dos veículos a partir de 2023. →
Video: Rosanna Colavecchia
TORONTO – In due hotel della GTA dove i viaggiatori internazionali sono tenuti a rimanere dopo l’arrivo al Pearson International
Airport, sono scoppiati focolai di Covid-19.
Der heutige Tag brachte eine sehr optimistische Nachricht darüber, was allen am Herzen liegt.
Verbesserung des öffentlichen Verkehrs in Toronto und Verbesserung der Anbindung an Satellitenstädte. →