Today brought a very optimistic news about what is on everyone’s heart.
Improving public transportation in Toronto and improving its connection with satellite cities. →
Welcome to the Canadian National Multilingual News Group (CNMNG). This is a project made possible through funding by Canadian Heritage. CNMNG aims to gather news researched and written by a corps of Canadian-based journalists/writers from the country’s multilingual community groups. The overall goal is to inform, analyze and critique the issues of the day in a professional manner and to provide that to publishers and editors active in the ethnocultural-multilingual press and media whose experience provides them with a perspective that is sensitive to news relevant to their own language group.
Today brought a very optimistic news about what is on everyone’s heart.
Improving public transportation in Toronto and improving its connection with satellite cities. →
Dzisiejszy dzień przyniósł bardzo optymistyczną wiadomość dotyczącą tego, co każdemu leży na sercu.
Poprawa komunikacji publicznej w metropolii Toronto oraz poprawa skomunikowania go z miastami satelitarnymi. →
The Toronto Board of Health also takes to the field in calling on the Ontario government to reopen outdoor sports and recreation facilities. On Monday, board members voted unanimously in favour of a motion urging the Ford government to lift the ban on the use of these outdoor recreation facilities that have been closed for almost a month. →
Impfmarathon in der Peel Region
Alle Erwachsenen können jetzt in der Peel-Region Termine vereinbaren und sich impfen lassen. →
Vaccination marathon in the Peel Region
All adults are now able to make appointments and get vaccinated in the Peel region. →