TORONTO – It might sound like bad news, but it’s actually good: most Canadians have contracted Covid-19 since Omicron and its highly contagious sub-variants first appeared. Virtually two out of three Canadians have caught the coronavirus. And the news is good because, according to experts, this, added to the massive vaccinations made, generates broad immunity or, in any case, greater protection against the more serious forms of Covid. →
TORONTO – Brampton continues to be the epicentre of political turmoil. Just when one thinks some issues have been laid to rest, a related one surfaces. On the eve of final registration for candidacy in the 2022 election, the “eligibility” for office issue has raised its head again.
TORONTO – Doctors didn’t like Prime Minister Ford’s approach to the healthcare. A sector in full crisis with the emergency rooms of numerous Ontario hospitals forced to temporarily close on weekends due to staff shortages.
Candice Bergen: “Italians and Italian-Canadians have been making incredible contributions to Canada”
OTTAWA – The Hon. Candice Bergen (in the pic), Leader of the Conservative Party of Canada and the Official Opposition, invites to celebrate Italian Heritage Month, starting today.
TORONTO – Almost one in four Canadians has been infected with Covid-19. This is what emerges from a survey conducted online by Leger and The Association for Canadian Studies.