TORONTO – La cosa più gentile che si può dire di alcuni dei fiduciari dell’Halton Catholic District School Board (HCDSB) è che si stanno preparando per il giorno delle elezioni del 24 ottobre 2022. Tutto ciò che dicono e fanno deve essere visto attraverso una lente politica…
TORONTO -La regione di Halton comprende comunità consolidate e relativamente ricche come Oakville e Burlington mescolate con cittàdine suburbane della classe media economicamente confortevoli, più nuove, come Acton, Georgetown, Halton Hills e Milton… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>>
TORONTO -Halton Region encompasses relatively wealthy, established communities like Oakville and Burlington mixed with economically comfortable, newer, suburban middle-class towns like Acton, Georgetown, Halton Hills and Milton.
TORONTO – The cancel culture mob has taken over the Halton Catholic District School Board. View the video of the two-part special board meeting of May 24 (you can watch the video clicking here) and judge for yourself. You may come to the same conclusion: they are self-righteous haters by any definition and their target is anything Catholic.
The following is an update to the article: Dramatic resignation at the head of the HCDSB (April 20). At a Board meeting held on April 19, 2022, Vice Chair Agnew announced that the Board of Trustees accepted with regret the resignation of Pat Daly, Director of Education and Secretary of the Board at the HCDSB, effective July 31, 2022. →