TORONTO – Inflation runs. With the 6.8% increase recorded in April, more and more Canadians could be at risk of starvation. It is the alarm launched by many experts since – accounts in hand – the paycheck is not enough to ensure a dignified life. Food has reached stellar prices, there is a real risk of not being able to put food on the table.
Toronto, June 3: As they called it another pandemic for the construction workers, the Ontario Construction Consortium (OCC) has launched a campaign to raise awareness of the opioid drug overdose crisis, since their death numbers have climbed dramatically and they are being impacted more than any other sector of the economy. (more…)
Two awards out of eight, and she was the youngest participant: Lea Garza (in the pics above ad below), 12, Italian-Mexican, literally won the “Yesports” International Music Awards organized in China and ended in recent days, winning the “Best Solo Artist” awards and “Favorite Talent Award”: practically the most important awards went to her. (more…)
Toronto’s tourism sector was one of the first industries affected by the coronavirus and is expected to lose billions of dollars in direct and indirect spending during the first half of 2021, despite the $ 125 million support offered by Lisa MacLeod, Provincial Minister of Heritage, Sports, Tourism and Cultural Affairs for Toronto and other Ontario cities. (more…)