Tag: house

CORRIERE CANADESE / House of Commons, chiusura estiva decisa all’unanimità: le “interferenze” possono aspettare

TORONTO – È estate, ormai: il richiamo dei barbecue (o, per i più fortunati, delle spiagge caraibiche) è troppo forte e persino le “interferenze cinesi” possono aspettare. Così, mercoledì, come se niente fosse, tutti i partiti (compresi quelli di opposizione, “duri e puri” fino all’altro ieri) hanno concordato di chiudere i battenti della Camera dei Comuni a partire da mercoledì prossimo: se ne riparla a settembre… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

House of Commons, summer break unanimous decision: the “interferences” can wait

TORONTO – It’s summer time: the call of barbecues (or, for the lucky ones, Caribbean beaches) is too strong and even “Chinese interference” can wait. Thus, on Wednesday, as if nothing had happened, all the parties (including those of the opposition, “hard and pure” until the day before yesterday) agreed to close the doors of the House of Commons starting next Wednesday: we’ll talk about it again in September. 

House of Commons: tribute to Queen. Blanchet: “The history between the Crown and the Quebec nation is both thorny and cruel”

TORONTO – “Last week, Canada lost the only sovereign that most of us have ever known”: these are the words Prime Minister Justin Trudeau (in the pic above) said, today, during the official commemoration of Queen Elizabeth II, who passed away last week, in the House of Commons which met extraordinarily for the occasion.