TORONTO – 1,188 Covid hospitalizations in Ontario on Saturday, 977 today: a decrease that should not be deceiving, because on Sunday 10% of hospitals do not provide updates. But despite the incompleteness of the data, the number of patients in intensive care is still growing: +5 in 24 hours, with the total going to 173 (+ 4% compared to the previous week), of which 88 are breathing with the help of a fan. On a weekly basis, hospitalizations for (or with) Covid-19 increased by nearly 22%: seven days ago, there were 763 Covid patients in Ontario hospitals. (more…)
TORONTO – Ontario today reported over 400 new cases of Covid-19 and 3 deaths. 409, to be precise, new infections, compared to 321 on Wednesday but still down compared to 413 a week ago. With the three new deaths, Ontario’s death toll is now 9,865. (more…)