Tag: ideology

Enough is enough: the reaction against the “wokist” ideology

TORONTO – More and more, it seems that there is an undercurrent of reaction against the incursions of the wokist ideology seeping its way into the society we had come to know. No-one can point to any specific, tangible document outlining its credo much less any accrued benefits previously unavailable before advocates of wokism emerged as the self-proclaimed conscience of contemporary society. 

Giorgia Meloni at CPAC in Florida: “We will fight against the ‘woke’ ideology and the ‘cancel culture’ “

ORLANDO (Florida) – “I see the fanatics of ‘cancel culture’, not only in the violent squares but also in the institutions, remove statues, modify books and cartoons, change the names of the streets out of a sense of guilt towards a common history that they would like to rewrite. Will we surrender in front of this? No, we will not. We will fight it head on”. This is one of the passages of the speech that the honorable Giorgia Meloni, president of the ECR (the European Conservative Party) and leader of Fratelli d’Italia, gave in Orlando, Florida, at the political conference of the American Conservatives and Republicans, held over the weekend, to which she was invited by the CPAC to participate as a speaker among the most important political leaders on the international scene.