ROMA – “In Italia il sindacato fa parte della storia e del percorso costituente del Paese: anche il colosso di Seattle deve prenderne atto”: non fanno un passo indietro i sindacati Filt-Cgil, Fit-Cisl, Uiltrasporti e Assoespressi, nella contrattazione con Amazon, relativa al personale dipendente ed a quello che opera negli appalti dei servizi di logistica. (more…)
[GTranslate]PIETRASANTA – His roots lie in the land of artists, where the mountains are made of marble and the plain is full of sculpture workshops: Pietrasanta, the Tuscan town that also hosted Michelangelo Buonarroti. Marcello Giorgi was born there, 59 years ago. But like any great artist, he is a citizen of the world. And so he lives in Montreal, his works are scattered throughout North America (and beyond) and it is there that today he transmits his knowledge to others, especially young people, teaching in schools and holding art courses. (more…)