TORONTO – Brampton continues to be the epicentre of political turmoil. Just when one thinks some issues have been laid to rest, a related one surfaces. On the eve of final registration for candidacy in the 2022 election, the “eligibility” for office issue has raised its head again.
TORONTO – It could be the Wild West, but it is in our own backyard. Somewhere along the line, a cynical citizenry accepted the concept that there is no such thing as honourable, ethical, behaviour among those who seek political office in service to the public.
TORONTO – The kindest thing one can say about some of The Halton Catholic District School Board (HCDSB) Trustees is that they are preparing for election day October 24, 2022. Everything they say and do must be seen through a political lens.
TORONTO – Over the last three years, what has been happening to Ontario’s education system, and more specifically its Catholic component, is nothing short of a travesty. Yesterday it culminated in the undignified letter of resignation submitted by Principles Integrity, the Integrity Commissioner (IC), as the guardian of civility and probity at the TCDSB. They walked away from their “relationship” in a snit.
TORONTO – Principles Integrity, una società che ha fornito al TCDSB consulenza legale relativa alle questioni del Codice di condotta dei trustee (l’Integrity Commissioner, IC), ha comunicato al TCDSB che non fornirà più servizi al consiglio scolastico…