KABUL – They are back, but they say they have changed. After twenty years, the Taliban regained power in Kabul and with them the terror they had left behind returned: violence, summary executions, repression of all freedom, women forced to wear the burqa and women’s schools closed, sports and music bandits. But “now we are different”, they say. And they try to prove it. →

Air travel since 9/11 has changed. Departing passengers arrive at the airport 2 to 3 hours before their flights, go through an average of 3 security checks, remove their footwear, go through body scans, luggage scans, interviews by the immigration officials, before proceeding to their assigned gates which can be located at the opposite side of the airport. During inflight, the last thing a traveller needs to know is that the plane has a possible bomb in it. This was what happened to Ryanair on May 23rd, 2021. →