Tag: june,

Canada dropping vaccine mandate for domestic and outbound international travel as of June 20

TORONTO – Starting June 20, unvaccinated Canadians can return to board a plane, bus or passenger train. After suspending random tests for Covid-19 at airports until June 30, the federal government announced the end of the vaccination obligation as well as for domestic travel on planes and trains also for international ones departing from Canada. Upon returning from another country, however, travelers are required to observe quarantine. Foreign nationals arriving in Canada will still need to be immunized. Federal employees and transportation workers in federally regulated industries will also no longer need to be fully vaccinated in order to work. Those who are on unpaid administrative leave due to their vaccination status will then be invited to return to work. 

Ontario to lift most remaining mask mandates on June 11, it is controversy

TORONTO – The controversy was not long in coming. Just a day after Ontario Chief Medical Officer of Health Kieran Moore announced the lifting of the obligation to wear a mask on public transport and in many health facilities, the new director of the Ontario Science Advisory Table Fahad Razak attacked this decision. “The provincial requirement could have been extended for at least another four weeks to help relieve some of the pressure on hospitals that will now have to enforce their policies on masks – said the doctor interviewed by CBC Radio – I am heartened to see that many hospitals have already announced that they will continue to impose them”.

HCDSB revisits motion to fly the Pride flag this June

Trustees will gather to vote again on whether to fly the Pride flag at Halton’s Catholic schools this June. The matter will re-surface for discussion (January 18) at the Halton Catholic District School Board (HCDSB) meeting. The issue of hoisting the Pride flag outside Catholic schools has been a controversial topic throughout Catholic schools in Ontario. The HCDSB is not exempt from such debate.

Euro 2020 with Raul and Sean: 30th June

TORONTO – Raul and Sean talk about Euro 2020: the matches, analysis, curiosities. Watch them!

Previous videos here: https://www.cnmng.ca/category/euro-2020/