KABUL – The image of the American general who, lastly, boarded the plane which, with its take-off, marks the end of twenty years of mission in Afghanistan, went around the world. He is Christopher Donahue: 17 US military missions in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, North Africa and Eastern Europe. And the image, tweeted by the U.S. Department of Defense, was taken at night: the commander of the 82nd Airborne Division (which is part of the 18th Airborne Corps based in Fort Bragg, North Carolina) walks alone, with his weapon in his right hand, ready to board C-17 with the Kabul airport hangar in the background, just before the deadline set by the United States for evacuations (and the ultimatum of the Taliban). →
TORONTO – Tempismo perfetto. Alle ore 8 di ieri, il capo delle Forze Armate canadesi, generale Wayne Eyre, annuncia che “gli sforzi di evacuazione del Canada in Afghanistan sono terminati”: il personale canadese ha lasciato Kabul “otto ore fa”. Meno di tre ore dopo, all’aeroporto di Kabul un attentatore suicida (due secondo fonti americane e russe) si fa esplodere: almeno 60 morti (anche bambini tra le vittime) e più di 140 feriti. Restano uccisi anche alcuni militari americani (dodici, secondo l’ultimo bilancio diffuso mentre scriviamo – aggiornamento delle ore 8.37 am, ora di Toronto, del 27 agosto: oltre 100 i morti, uccisi 13 militari Usa), come confermato su Twitter dal portavoce del Pentagono, John Kirby. Poche ore dopo, nel pomeriggio, altre due esplosioni in diverse zone della città… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>>
TORONTO – Perfect timing. At 8 am today, the head of the Canadian Armed Forces, General Wayne Eyre, announced that “Canada’s evacuation efforts in Afghanistan have ended”: Canadian personnel left Kabul “eight hours ago”. Less than three hours later, at the Kabul airport a suicide bomber (two, according to American and Russian sources) blows himself up: forty dead (including children) and dozens of wounded. Among the victims, also US Marines, as confirmed on Twitter by John Kirby from the Pentagon Press Secretary.
Just in time, one might say, despite the “push and pull” of recent days, in which on the one hand Prime Minister Justin Trudeau affirmed that Canada would remain in Afghanistan after the date set by the Taliban with their ultimatum (“everyone out by August 31”) and on the other “his” ministers denied him by stating that the Canadian evacuation operations would be completed before the end of the month,”as the United States decided”, as underlined by the Defense Minister Harjit Sajjan in the press conference two days ago, the same one in which the Minister of Women, Maryam Monsef, called the Taliban “our brothers”. →
KABUL – More than 2,700 people evacuated by Canadian airplanes, over 500 on Tuesday alone. And it is rushing to rescue other people but time is running out because Canada will also have to withdraw its troops by August 31, the date set by the Taliban for the exit from the country of “all foreigners”. →
KABUL – Mentre le ambasciate di tutti i Paesi del mondo chiudevano e i diplomatici si davano alla fuga, lui è rimasto lì, in mezzo al caos, fra la gente disperata di Kabul. E le foto che l’hanno immortalato mentre prende in braccio un bambino per portarlo in salvo all’aeroporto, hanno fatto il giro il mondo… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>>