TORONTO – New legislation aimed at repressing violent repeat offenders who obtain bail is ready: the legislative reform “package” comes after months of study of Canada’s bail system and calls on the federal government to implement stricter laws, dealing with a number of high-profile cases of violent crimes committed by individuals who were out on bail. →
TORONTO – ODIO è “le mot du jour”, la parola del giorno. Il vocabolario woke identifica coloro che sono in disaccordo con i “praticanti” di quella nebulosa ideologia come odiatori. Una recente elezione provinciale riguardante la struttura di governance di oltre 57.000 avvocati e 10.000 assistenti legali che esercitano in Ontario ha prodotto alcuni risultati interessanti… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>>
TORONTO – HATE is “le mot du jour”. The vocabulary of the woke tars those in disagreement with “practitioners” of that nebulous ideology as haters. A recent province-wide election concerning the governance structure of more than 57,000 lawyers and 10,000 paralegals practicing in Ontario produced some interesting results.
TORONTO – The action, or non-action, of the school board has left him with no choice but to seek relief in the Court. Phil Horgan, legal counsel to trustee candidate Robert Pella, in Ward 1 of the Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB) issued a Notice of Application in Ontario Superior Court, together with reasons, for an order to recount of the ballots cast in the election held October 24.
TORONTO – Stronger mayors, with more powers: in the end the government led by Doug Ford really did it. After the rumors leaked in recent weeks, today came the official presentation of the new legislation entitled “Strong Mayors, Building Homes Act”, formally illustrated in Queen’s Park. →