TORONTO – The mayor? Better if he’s a “sheriff”, according to Ontario Premier Doug Ford, who is considering new legislation that would give to the mayors of Toronto and Ottawa new powers and a potential veto on the city council, according to reports earlier by the Toronto Star and then from Global News. The Ford government is therefore working on legislation that should grant greater powers to mayors, as well as allow them to address the issue of housing accessibility with more room for maneuver. →
‘As journalism goes, so does democracy’ is the motto of Canadian Journalism Foundation (CJF), founded in 1990 precisely to celebrate and facilitate excellence in journalism. Consequently, the justifiable reference of CJF is as a new proposed media bill contradicts labour law in Bangladesh, which has been conveyed by the Newspaper Owners’ Association of Bangladesh (NOAB).
Palermo, 8 July 2021 – “A few days before the commemoration of the massacre in via D’Amelio, in which judge Paolo Borsellino was killed, the words of the Italian President, Sergio Mattarella, through the Vice President of Csm, David Ermini, weigh like boulders in expressing solidarity in the face of the news (leaked from the detention of a ‘Ndrangheta boss) that the model would be ready to assassinate the magistrate Nino Di Matteo in an attack”. This is what Daniela Mainenti (in the pic), professor of comparative criminal procedural law and expert in the fight against illegal fishing, says. →
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Download File: by Marzio Pelu` — Translation and Video: CNMNG Staff
For the first time, the Vatican is officially asking the Italian government to amend a bill, appealing to the Concordat, the “pact” that regulates relations between the Italian state and the Catholic Church. →
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Download File: – A tangled web of breach of fiduciary obligations, administrative incompetence, questionable ethics and blatant unjustifiable breaches of corporate duties by “dissidents” at Catholic School Boards. Some Catholics are saying “enough is enough!”