TORONTO – Backlash: Misogyny in the Digital Age, the feature documentary that, in its French-language version, has already become a smash theatrical hit in Quebec, will have its English theatrical premiere in Toronto at the Hot Docs Cinema on Friday, January 13 at 7 PM, with additional showings Saturday, January 14 at 3PM, Sunday, January 15 at 5PM, and Tuesday, January 17 at 4PM. Premieres in other Canadian cities will follow.
CIUDAD DE MÉXICO – Imparable, nadie la detiene. Lea Garza de 13 años (en la foto de arriba), una promesa de la escena pop internacional, también ganó recientemente el “Bravo Junior Festival 2022”, que contó con la participación de 25 talentosos competidores de veinte países diferentes, incluyendo una cantante canadiense.
MEXICO CITY – Nothing can stop her anymore. The Italian-Mexican singer Lea Garza (in the pic above), 13-years-old, a promise of the international pop scene, has also recently won the “Bravo Junior Festival 2022” which saw the participation of 25 talented competitors from twenty different countries. →
CITTÀ DEL MESSICO – Ormai non la ferma più nessuno. La cantante italo-messicana Lea Garza (nella foto sopra), 13 anni, promessa della scena pop internazionale, si è aggiudicata nei giorni scorsi anche il “Bravo Junior Festival 2022”, che ha visto la partecipazione di 25 talentuosi concorrenti provenienti da venti Paesi diversi. →
CITTÀ DEL MESSICO – Ce l’ha fatta! Lea Garza ha vinto la categoria “Revelación Femenina 2021 en Pop-Rock en Español e Inglés” (Rivelazione Femminile 2021 in Pop-Rock in spagnolo e inglese) ai prestigiosi “Palmas de Oro Awards” in Messico… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>>