Tag: lewis

Leadership, Poilievre attacca ancora Charest. Lewis contro Trudeau

TORONTO – Accuse e veleni nella corsa alla leadership. Mentre a livello provinciale cresce l’attesa per la presentazione dell’ultimo budget del governo Ford prima del ritorno alle urne, a livello federale tiene banco l’acceso dibattito tra i candidati alla guida del Partito Conservatore. Il braccio di ferro è ancora una volta tra i due candidati che, secondo i sondaggi, sono destinati a contendersi la successione di Erin O’Toole alla guida della destra canadese: Pierre Poilievre e Jean Charest… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Leslyn Lewis joins the race, Brown and Charest to announce Conservative leadership runs

TORONTO – Jean Charest is running for the leadership of the Conservative Party, Patrick Brown ready to do so. It promises to be a very crowded race for the leadership of the Canadian right, very far from the hypothesis of de facto coronation imagined after the announcement of the candidacy of Pierre Poilievre and the lack, at least up to this point, of credible alternatives to the Carlton deputy. Now, if there are no last-minute waivers, the succession of Erin O’Toole promises to be a three-way race with uncertain outcomes. Leslyn Lewis, the possible outsider, today confirmed her candidacy.