MONTREAL – Is Canada the most multiethnic and multicultural country in the world? Yes, at first glance. But then, if you don’t live here and try to enter, legally, you realize that the “Welcome to Canada” is just a beautiful fairy tale, especially in Quebec where you clash with harsh reality as happened to Giovanni Liotti, 23, student from Avellino who left Italy yesterday to visit a friend in Montreal and today was forced to leave for Italy after a seventeen-hour odyssey at the airport. →
“A free health service that ensures a good service accessible to all”. Pope Francis’s appeal started from the tenth floor balcony of the Gemelli Hospital in Rome, where the Pontiff is still hospitalized after the surgery a week ago. Despite the surgical operation he underwent, Bergoglio did not want to give up the Sunday Angelus and therefore went to the balcony (in the photo, taken from the video of the Vatican News YouTube channel), accompanied by some sick people, including three children, to talk in front of a crowd of faithful gathered for the occasion in front of the hospital. →
Photo: Screenshot, at @vladdyjr27.
Do you feel slow, tired and overweight because with this pandemic you don’t do much exercise and you don’t stop eating the delicious dishes that your grandmother prepares for you? The same thing happens to him… or happened to Vladimir Guerrero Jr., the great Dominican-Canadian player for the Blue Jays. →
TORONTO – Whenever I attend (virtually or in-person) meetings of the Toronto Catholic District School Board, I picture myself in the audience of a performance of Moliere’s comedic production, Tartufe. It is not a compliment.
This is to say: it is difficult to take these people seriously. Tartufe, the character and the play, have become synonymous with hypocrisy, duplicity, pious fraud and treachery. →
TRAPANI – Olesya is not Denise. The hope of having found the missing girl from Mazara Del Vallo (Trapani, Italy) on 1 September 2004 lasted a few days. →