TORONTO – Due to longer-than-usual queues at security, travelers about to board a plane are asked to arrive at Toronto’s Pearson International Airport at least two hours earlier than their flights.
As of this Sunday (June 20), the TTC is renumbering two bus routes in advance of future rapid transit lines entering service, informs the Toronto Transit Commission in a press release. The 5 Avenue Rd route will become 13 Avenue Rd and the 6 Bay route will become 19 Bay. These changes are being made in anticipation of Line 5 Eglinton (Eglinton Crosstown LRT) beginning service in 2022 and Line 6 Finch West (Finch West LRT) in 2023 (in the pic above, Keelesdale Station: photo credit LA). →
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Download File: day, April 22, is an annual event dedicated to preserving the natural world. It is an international day of attention and activism to demonstrate support for environmental protection.
This year will mark a return to the front lines for US President Joe Biden in the fight against the human contribution to climate change. President Biden will host a two-day virtual Leaders Summit on Climate that coincides with Earth day.