TORONTO – The Ontario government’s legislative activity continues aimed at making the priority of the Province more easily implemented: to build 1.5 million new homes over the next 10 years. →
TORONTO – L’aumento del costo della vita in Canada rimane ancora una volta su livelli di guardia. Secondo i dati pubblicati ieri dall’Istituto nazionale di statistica il tasso annuale di inflazione è rimasto stabile al 6,9 per cento in ottobre. Da un lato si è registrato l’aumento della benzina, dall’altro la lieve contrazione del costo dei generi alimentari, che comunque rimangono a dei livelli record. Insomma, fare la spesa continua a pesare tantissimo sulle tasche dei consumatori canadesi, che tra l’altro dovranno aspettarsi un ulteriore rialzo dei tassi d’interesse previsto con l’annuncio di Bank of Canada il prossimo 7 dicembre…
TORONTO – The Canadian housing market continues to show signs of cooling. Last month the volume of home sales fell by more than a third compared to last year’s boom periods, and prices have also fallen by almost 10% since then.
TORONTO – It is open war between the Government of Ontario and the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE). On Friday, the first day of the strike by the 55,000 union members employed in schools, thousands of people demonstrated outside Queen’s Park and the offices of Conservative Party provincial MPs. Schools in the province will still be closed tomorrow and, according to union leaders, will remain closed until a collective agreement is signed with the government.