TORONTO – Sarà un magro Natale, in Canada. Meno spese per un periodo che sembrava, almeno quello, “intoccabile”…
TORONTO – It will be a meager Christmas in Canada. Less expenses for a period that seemed, at least that, “untouchable”. →
TORONTO – La crisi energetica investe anche il Canada. E le superbollette che già stanno facendo dannare gli Italiani nel Belpaese sono in arrivo anche qua: dfurante l’inverno ormai alle porte, i Canadesi dovranno aspettarsi “conti” salatissimi per il gas naturale o l’elettricità, con aumenti tra il 50 e il 100%. Alcuni consumatori potrebbero vedere le loro bollette aumentare addirittura fino al 300%, mentre altri potrebbero vedere aumenti minimi, ma la tendenza generale è chiara, secondo Joel MacDonald, fondatore di…
TORONTO – The energy crisis also affects Canada. And the “superbills” that are already damaging Italians (in Italy bills in recent months have doubled and in some cases tripled) are also on their way here: with the winter just around the corner, Canadians will have to expect very high “bills” for natural gas or electricity, with increases between 50 and 100%. Some consumers may see their bills rise as high as 300%, while others may see minimal increases, but the overall trend is clear, according to Joel MacDonald, founder of →
Vaughan Elections, Danny De Santis: “Traffic, crime and the cost of living: we need a turning point”
TORONTO – Traffic reduction, fight against crime, aid to counter the increase in the cost of living. These are the pillars of the program platform presented by Danny De Santis (in the pic above), candidate for the office of Mayor of Vaughan in the next elections on October 24th. De Santis’ program starts from the assumption of a progressive “disconnection between politicians and the people”, and the consequent need to mend this relationship that has deteriorated in recent years in the city administration.