TORONTO – When inflation is running wild, there is the risk of “greedflation”: some companies, that is, could take advantage of the situation to make higher profits. It is not known if this is the case of the large Canadian food companies: it is certain that some of them have seen their profits increase right in the middle of a crisis that, instead, is bringing families to their knees. →
TORONTO – L’economia canadese è cresciuta a un tasso annuo del 3,3% nel secondo trimestre (nel primo era cresciuta del 3,1%), al di sotto della stima di una crescita annualizzata del 4,6%: è quanto emerge dagli ultimi rapporti sul prodotto interno lordo reale mensile e trimestrale, pubblicati ieri da Statistics Canada, che mostrano come l’economia si sia espansa per il quarto trimestre consecutivo, trainata dall’aumento della spesa delle imprese e delle famiglie, ma al di sotto delle aspettative…
TORONTO – The Canadian economy grew at an annual rate of 3.3% in the second quarter (in the first quarter it had grown by 3.1%), below the estimate of an annualized growth of 4.6%: this is what emerges from the latest monthly and quarterly real gross domestic product reports, released today by Statistics Canada, which show how the economy expanded for the fourth consecutive quarter, driven by rising business and household spending, but below the expectations. →
TORONTO – More than half of Canadians can’t keep up with the cost of living and gets into debt to meet ordinary expenses: rent, food, gasoline. An alarming situation, to say the least, photographed by the Angus Reid Institute through a research conducted online from 8 to 10 August 2022 on a sample of 2,279 Canadian adults. →