Tag: manitoba

Ontario, quasi diecimila casi attivi in meno

TORONTO – Ci sono i primissimi segnali di un assestamento del picco dell’ondata di Covid-19 “targata” Omicron, che potrebbero essere propedeutici alla discesa della curva. Il primo riguarda i ricoveri: ieri l’Ontario, nonostante un aumento del numero totale dei pazienti Covid presenti negli ospedali (da 3.448 a 3.630), ha registrato per la prima volta nelle ultime settimane un leggero calo dei ricoveri nelle terapie intensive dove i pazienti sono scesi da 505 a 500… Read More in Corriere Canadese >>> 

Alberta still above 1,200 cases per day and more hospitalizations. The situation in Sasks, Manitoba and BC

EDMONTON – The Covid situation in Alberta remains of total emergency. Also on Friday, the last day on which the data were disclosed, the province recorded over 1,200 new infections: 1,256 to be precise (and 16 deaths) against the 1,254 (and 10 deaths) of Thursday and the 1,263 (and 26 deaths) of Wednesday. Most of the people who died on Friday were between 70 and 80, two in their fifties, one in their sixties, another in their nineties. In total, 2,830 Alberta residents have died of Covid-19 since the start of the pandemic.