Tag: many

Afghanistan, the Pope: “I pray that many countries will protect those seeking a new life”


VATICAN CITY – “Help the Afghans”. The call comes from St. Peter’s Square in the Vatican. It was launched by Pope Francis, after the Sunday Angelus. “In these troubled times that see Afghans seeking refuge – said the Pontiff – , I pray for the most vulnerable among them. I pray that many countries will welcome and protect those seeking a new life. I pray also for the internally displaced persons and that they may receive assistance and the necessary protection. May young Afghans receive education, an essential good for human development. And may all Afghans, whether at home, in transit, or in host countries, live with dignity, in peace and fraternity with their neighbours”.  (more…)

Covid-19, today 865 cases in Ontario: never so many in three months

TORONTO – It is necessary to go back until June 4th to find a bulletin of the daily cases of Covid-19 in Ontario that reports more than 850 infections: then the cases were 914. Today, in Ontario, we have not reached at that figure but we are close to it: 865 new infections in twenty-four hours, just now that the provincial health officials have been experiencing fewer than 700 infections for three days.  (more…)

Denise, her mother on Facebook: “If you only knew how many beautiful people you have around…”

MAZARA DEL VALLO (Trapani) – She has launched many appeals in the last seventeen years, since that September 1st when her little Denise, only 4 years old, disappeared from Mazara del Vallo, in Sicily (Italy). Now the mother, Piera Maggio, addresses her directly and does so on social media, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, with a message that moves the whole of Italy. (more…)